Elements of Fire

The element of fire is
It contains both “destroyer” and “regeneration”.

To warm up our lives,
While it energizes,
Burn what you don’t need,
Powerfully purify
It has a powerful function.

This element of fire
By making good use of it,
Your soul is powerfully purified,
You will be able to regain your ability to live.

[Purification work in the fire pit]

It’s quite difficult to notice 
to our emotions in our busy days.

The feelings that you are pushing in without knowing
If you leave it alone
more and more that energy
It is installing  into  you,
It will lead to the cause of the problem.

It is important to notice your “emotions”.
Obsession, anger, resentment,
Write down all the negative thoughts,
Burn it on fire and purify it,
and By filling it in the soil and making it into fertilizer
Your mind, body soul  will be clean and purified,
You will be able to return to your essence.


While looking at the candle fire
One-point concentration “here and now” meditation (meditation)
You can do this meditation  during retreat.

“I’m here right now in this moment”

Accept yourself as who you really are.
By surrounds everything and focus on right this moment,
The feeling of being alive will come back.



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